Friday, February 28, 2014

Week 4

Hello there everyone.

I honestly haven't been working on anything this week and I have tried but unfortunately I can't find any time for it, so this week I will try to make it up and have a version available of my video game.  I am not nearly done because the video game at this moment is at its earliest stages meaning I only have the beginning so from now on every time I post a blog I will post an updated version  of the video game and please leave a comment and suggestions they will be helpful and I will consider using every single one of them.  So far I am doing an RPG so I need a story line for the video game.
Here are the categories I want my game to be rated as:

So far that's at least what I want for now. So since I didn't really do anything this week a while ago I worked on a picture of an alarm clock I was trying to animate it but it didn't work out so this is what I have for all of you:

Friday, February 21, 2014

Week 3

This week and the past week I was working on adding music and sounds to the video game.  I am having quite a bit of problems that I am unable to fix at the moment, for example I was trying to add Wilhelm scream whenever the player fell off the platform.  Also I was working on the restart but whenever I restart from the second level the first level seems different.  At the moment I do not knot how to fix these problems but if I can't fix it then I will go back and redo the whole thing. Anyways everything else is going good and I added music, the falling off maze restart and a map to know where you are at at the moment. I am planning on doing an RPG(Role-Playing Game) and I need a story line for it but I also want it to be a quick game so it would only take about an hour or so to finish the whole thing.